Katie’s 2013 Reading Plan



Cinder (read)

Scarlet (read)

Across the Universe (read)

A Million Suns (read)

Shades of Earth (read)

Prodigy (read)

Fuse (reading)

Sever (read)

Breaking Point (reading)



Incarnate (reading)


Under the Never Sky (read)

Through the Ever Night (read)

Shadow and Bone

Siege and Storm

The Way We Fall

The Lives We Lost

The Madman’s Daughter


Eve (#1)

Once (#2)

Rise (#3)

Anna and the French Kiss

Let The Sky Fall (#1)

The Selection (#1)

The Elite (#2)

Beautiful Chaos (#3) (reading)

Beautiful Redemption (#4)


Die For Me (#1)

Until I Die (#2)

If I Should Die (#3)

Starcrossed (#1)

Dreamless (#2)

Goddess (#3)

Shatter Me (#1)

Loki’s Wolves (#1)*


Partials (#1)

Fragments (#2)

Reached (#3)

Unravel Me (#2)

Graceling (#1) (read)

Fire (#2) (read)

Bitterblue (#3) (reading)


Starglass (#1)

Of Poseidon (#1)

Of Triton (#2)

After Eden (#1)


The Girl of Fire and Thorns (#1)

The Crown of Embers (#2)

The Bitter Kingdom (#3)

Throne of Glass (#1)

Crown of Midnight (#2)


The Raven Boys (#1)

The Dream Thieves (#2)

Frozen (#1)


Divergent (#1)

Insurgent (#2)

Allegiant (#3)

Destroy Me (#.5)


City of a Thousand Dolls

The Book Thief



The Forest of Hands and Teeth (Forest #1)

The Dead Tossed Waves (Forest #2)

The Dark and Hollow Places (Forest #3)

The Tragedy Paper

Code Name: Verity

Revolution 19




The Book Thief


Shadow and Bone

Siege and Storm

The Selection 

The Elite 

The Girl of Fire and Thorns 

The Crown of Embers 

The Bitter Kingdom 


Breaking Point


Throne of Glass 

Crown of Midnight 

Beautiful Chaos

Beautiful Redemption

Top Ten Highly Anticipated Books of 2014


And by highly anticipated, we mean the biting our nails, unable to sit still kind..  So any ARCs you want to swing our way will be immediately devoured and reviewed honestly and fairly and quite happily.  MMMk?


jodi meadowsInfinite (Newsoul #3) by Jodi Meadows


amy plum

After The End (After The End #1) by Amy Plum


everneath ya fiction series

Evertrue (Everneath #3) by Brodi Ashton


anna and the french kiss stephanie perkins

Isla and the Happily Ever After (Anna And The French Kiss #3) by Stephanie Perkins


leigh bardugo the grisha seriesRuin and Rising (The Grisha #3) by Leigh Bardugo


lauren oliver ya author

Panic by Lauren Oliver


shatter me ya series



The Young Elites (The Young Elites #1) by Marie Lu


under the never sky

Into The Still Blue (Under The Never Sky #3) Veronica Rossi


marissa meyer young adult fiction

Cress (Lunar Chronicles #3) by Marissa Meyer

Apparently 2014 is the year of the threes….so many exciting books coming out.  Also some really great starts, we’re hoping we are swept away by another great year of excellent writing and stories that take us to new worlds, into memories, and outside of ourselves.

Looking Ahead: December Releases


Happy Thanksgiving all you Americans.  Everyone else, happy day that happens to be Thursday.  I hope you have a holiday where you stuff your face, particularly with autumn foods like cranberries, yams and winter squash, pumpkin pie….and of course, lots of turkey.  Yum.  I always make this broccoli cheese casserole…only once a year, because I could eat the whole crockpot full.  This is my favorite holiday, but we are far from family for the first time ever, so it’s a little different this year.  So now that it’s after dinner, I’m ready to move on to December.

It’s always fun to look ahead.

I, for one, am quite excited for December.  Even more so for 2014.  Lots of really great books coming out.  Lots of life ahead.

I’m ready for this year to come to an end.  It’s been quite eventful, some really good, some not as good, a dash of crap and a whole heap load of “where’s my hole to crawl into and die.”  All in all though?  I feel pretty blessed.

And I’m excited about a few of these releases….so woo hoo!

December 3rd

rebel spring YA book

Rebel Spring (Falling Kingdoms #2) by Morgan Rhodes, Michelle Rowen

amy spalding

Ink is Thicker Than Water by Amy Spalding

December 10th

young adult romance

These Broken Stars (Starbound #1) by Amie Kaufman, Meagan Spooner


Snakeroot (Nightshade Legacy #1) by Andrea Cremer

December 17th

what we saw at night #2

What We Lost in the Dark (What We Saw at Night #2) by Jacquelyn Mitchard

December 26th

lydia kang

Control (Control #1) by Lydia Kang

December 31st

YA romance fiction

The Promise of Amazing by Robin Constantine

ellen oh

Warrior (The Dragon King Chronicles #2) by Ellen Oh

Crazy, Wonderful(?) Booklike Things


Check this out.  Bookarelli on etsy makes kindle covers out of classic books.  Now, part of me is like, what are you doing you are hurting them.

But another part loves it.  Loves that I could read a kindle in a book and feel a little more at home with it.  I love taking all my books with me everywhere.  I hate that they are not really books.  They are like the cyborgs of books.

Maybe I shouldn’t be so judgmental then.  Cyborgs are people too, right? 😉

kindle book covers

I love this Pride and Prejudice version.  It’s just so romantic looking!

Not only can you get covers for your e-reader made out of a book to make a somewhat redundant fashion statement, but you can show the world you are a reader!  A nerd!  A lover of words!  How, you ask?

By putting said book-covered-e-reader into your book purse.  Overdoing it?  I say NAY!


(from AlteredDecadence on etsy, click to visit)

The Hitchhiker’s Guide is one of the best books ever written, not just opinion, it’s a fact.  Here, it has been fashioned into a purse.  Normally, it would enrage me to take such a masterpiece’s innards out, but it’s the Hitchhiker’s Guide.  It was meant for this kind of abuse.  Somehow, somewhere down the line, it will end up back in it’s original form.  And the back of the purse says, “DON’T PANIC” in large friendly letters, so I can’t freak out.

And I want it.

People are so creative.  Who are these creative people, and how do they think of such semi-crazy things?  Check out the art made out of books below:

(from TwistedPages on etsy)

(from TwistedPages on etsy, click to visit)

A book made into a letter.  Okay.  With some shoes, to boot (HA!).  I actually like this, because it doesn’t need to be a classic to have appeal.  It works better as an old Reader’s Digest book or something with a pattern and no description on the front.

(from PRRINT on etsy)

(from PRRINT on etsy, click to visit)


I just can’t settle on an emotion here.

It’s so pretty.  It’s Alice, with the text faintly coming through.  It’s whimsical and delicate.  I want to love it.  What are your thoughts?

(from RecycledReads on etsy)

(from RecycledReads on etsy, click to visit)

This one seems to fold the pages, so at least the book isn’t ruined.  And there’s a good message…does that make it okay?

What do you think about harming books?  Is a book just an object, or is there a sort of life in it?  Do you feel the reverent respect I feel, or do you think I’m off my rocker?  It’s okay, I don’t really care what you think (if that’s what you think) but if you agree, then I totally care.  HA.  But seriously.

Then there are those that take the image of a book and make it into something to cherish.  I especially love this next item.

tiny book

(click to visit PegandAwl’s etsy shop)

I think what matters here is the heart behind it.  Are these books being destroyed, or are they being given new life?  Should books be carved and gutted, or should we use imitations only, not originals?  It’s an interesting topic, and I’d love to hear your opinion!  
{To visit any of these etsy shops, click on the pictures}

Requiem (Delirium #3) by Lauren Oliver >> Readdicted Review



Title:  Requiem (Delirium #3)

Author:  Lauren Oliver

Genre:  YA Dystopian

Goodreads Book Summary:

They have tried to squeeze us out, to stamp us into the past.

But we are still here.

And there are more of us every day.

Now an active member of the resistance, Lena has been transformed. The nascent rebellion that was under way in Pandemonium has ignited into an all-out revolution in Requiem, and Lena is at the center of the fight.

After rescuing Julian from a death sentence, Lena and her friends fled to the Wilds. But the Wilds are no longer a safe haven—pockets of rebellion have opened throughout the country, and the government cannot deny the existence of Invalids. Regulators now infiltrate the borderlands to stamp out the rebels, and as Lena navigates the increasingly dangerous terrain, her best friend, Hana, lives a safe, loveless life in Portland as the fiancée of the young mayor.

Maybe we are driven crazy by our feelings.

Maybe love is a disease, and we would be better off without it.

But we have chosen a different road.

And in the end, that is the point of escaping the cure: We are free to choose.

We are even free to choose the wrong thing.

Rating: 4 Stars


I like to judge a book based on a wide range of factors.  Initially, it’s the cover.  I’m very judgy, very visual, and I won’t read something with a terrible cover.  Just can’t.  And then there’s the hype.  I try not to find out anything about upcoming books….I HATE spoilers (which is why my reviews are rockin’…who wants to read an extra synopsis that tells you every plot point?), but the hype that is generated gives me a level going into the book.  Sometimes that’s a good thing, sometimes it isn’t.  If the book can’t live up to it, then it definitely hurts my opinion.  Part of that is what people say, and part of it is the marketing stuff released before the book, especially the blurb.  Blurbs, my friends, are wonderful.

Well, I wasn’t super thrilled with book #2…….but it did leave on in a place where I was very excited to read the conclusion.

Okay, first I will going into this objectively.  The plot was well thought out and paced.  I am a big fan of Lauren Oliver’s writing, so I enjoyed every page in that respect.  The words themselves.  She has a knack for descriptive writing, but at the same time, it’s like she has a magic knife that takes out all the unnecessary so the story isn’t bogged down with details.  For me, it’s perfecto.

The dialogue was great, it felt real.  I felt more connected to the supporting characters than I had before.  The voices of the characters, because this book switches back and forth between Lena and Hana, were authentic.  Even though the other books were written this way, I loved it.  They are in such separate worlds, it gives the reader widely contrasted views of what is going on.  Yet, you can feel their worlds coming together, slowly, slowly, and then altogether quickly.  I could barely catch my breath.

Now, on to my issues.  They are small.  Let’s go from smallest to biggest.  The timeline jumped around a tiny bit.  Sometimes Hana would be ahead of Lena, then the other way around.  It became very noticeable to me at the end.  However, it worked very well, so it’s hard to criticize it.  If I was writing it, I don’t know if I could have done it…something about the perfectionist in me.  Oliver goes back and forth between Lena and Hana, every chapter alternates, so it just seemed a little weird.

Another small issue was that Julian was like a non-character.  He just seemed so passive, but then he was actually doing a lot outside of Lena’s radar….she just wasn’t noticing anything.  It drove me crazy…especially by the end, because everything just kind of gets dropped…but I can’t go more into it than that.

BIG ISSUE: the ending.  A couple of things, actually.  The story itself ended perfectly for me.  I loved the feeling of the end.  But then the author goes into a different perspective, so you feel awkward, like she is actually talking to you, and it’s a Large Truth that she is dropping on you, urging you into action.  I wasn’t sure of the point (however I like the idea).

The worst thing about it all, was that I kept thinking there was going to be more.  The ending was perfectly set up for an epilogue, but it just ended.  I was left not knowing anything.  The story was just getting started, and it ended.  There could have been another book, seriously.  It wasn’t good.  So that left me unsettled, which is a darn shame because I had just been feeling pretty good.  Good >> Awkward >> That’s it?  Not a good way to end a book that has a good ending…WHAT DID I MISS?

So a big loss of a star there.  Part of me wants to drop it more, but I liked the book, I liked the writing, and so I am torn.  Four stars seems like a good compromise.  It brought the series back up for me…not as high as the first book, but I enjoyed it more than book two.  It’s worth reading, and the series is definitely worth reading.

TBR >> Katie’s November Reads


Okay, okay.  So we’re a few days (read: halfway) into November, and I’ve already read four of these books and even reviewed one….well what can you do.

Last year at this time, I was NaNoWriMo-ing like there was no tomorrow.  I wrote well over 50,000 words, and none of them were blog posts.  Although I got a lot closer to finishing one of my three ongoing books.

At the beginning of this year, I read like a madwoman.  I was motivated, I was just feeling it.  I was well on my way to my hefty reading goal for 2013.  However, as a creative person, I am completely NOT consistent.  I will write and read in one month more than most people do in a year.

And then have a dry spell.

Usually, I can push through it.  I’m good at that.  I’ve been to college, a horrid place where, yes, the learning is awesome, but being forced to be interested in what a syllabus tells me to…when, where, how, but no real good why?  Yuck.  I sharpened my get-er-done skills there.

This year, I had the roughest year ever.

We moved across the country.  And my husband got sick.  Like, an illness for life kind of sick.  I also started a new business on top of having to restart my photography business from the ground up.  I don’t know why I keep working on RR….it’s something that I can’t help but be dedicated to.  It’s my connection to something, some part of me that will never stop reading and writing.  It’s my connection to Connie now that I’ve moved.

So, that said, I’m back.  I go away, and that’s just how it is, but I come back.  I always do.  And I want to be more consistent, now that life has gotten a little more normal.

Reading.  Yes.  What am I reading this month?  Well, I will fall VERY short of my original ginormous goal of reading 100 books this year.  I think I’m at like, 16 right now.

But I can try to double that, and make it past 30.

So this month, I’m reading these lovely books:

young adult book review

Allegiant by Veronica Roth

kiera cass

The Selection by Kiera Cass

the selection #2 by kiera cass

The Elite by Kiera Cass

lauren oliver

Requiem by Lauren Oliver

legend series #3

Champion by Marie Lu (yay!!!!!! finally!)

phoebe north

Starglass by Phoebe North (yay a new space themed book!)

young adult book reviews

Prophecy by Ellen Oh

Readdicted Reviewers YA Book Reviews

The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak (yes, I started this a million times this year, and still haven’t finished it, and yes it is a good book…now that there’s a movie, I have to finish it so I can see it.  See?  I find ways to be motivated.)

And of course, we have the books I should read because it’s the last one in the series and I loved the series so far but some part of me is stopping myself because I think I just don’t want it to end:

wolves of mercy falls #3

Forever by Maggie Stiefvater (although…there’s now a fourth book planned, but about Cole, so I guess if you wait long enough, the author will write more, right?)

YA Fiction Reviewers Reached by Ally Condie (I have owned this beautiful hardcover for a year and haven’t cracked it and I just don’t know why)

graceling kristin cashore
Bitterblue by Kristin Cashore (I’ve tried, so hard…just can’t get into it, but I think it’s time to bite the bullet)

Scarlet by Marissa Meyer >> Readdicted Review


Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles #2) by Marissa Meyer YA book review

Title:  Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles #2)

Author:  Marissa Meyer

Genre:  YA Dystopian/Sci-Fi/Futuristic

Goodreads Book Summary:

Cinder returns in the second thrilling installment of the New York Times-bestselling Lunar Chronicles. She’s trying to break out of prison—even though if she succeeds, she’ll be the Commonwealth’s most wanted fugitive.

Halfway around the world, Scarlet Benoit’s grandmother is missing. It turns out there are many things Scarlet doesn’t know about her grandmother and the grave danger she has lived in her whole life. When Scarlet encounters Wolf, a street fighter who may have information as to her grandmother’s whereabouts, she has no choice but to trust him, though he clearly has a few dark secrets of his own.

As Scarlet and Wolf work to unravel one mystery, they find another when they cross paths with Cinder. Together, they must stay one step ahead of the vicious Lunar Queen who will do anything to make Prince Kai her husband, her king, her prisoner.

Rating: 5 Stars


Ah.  I loved this book.  Sometimes, I want to dive into a fairy tale.  Most of the time, that means at a cost…of believability, of depth of character, there’s usually something.  But with Meyer’s writing, I’m able to lose myself in a rich world full of possibility.  The characters are unique, and the story is wonderful.  Although Scarlet is about a different character and Cinder has a much smaller role, the story didn’t lose it’s heart, and I loved it from beginning to end.

How about Marissa Meyer just writes all the books from now on, yes?

Kidding.  Kind of.  But only because it’s impossible.

Most of the book has new characters.  The classics: Scarlet (love), Grandma (love), Wolf (drool).  And Mr. Carswell Thorne as well, who manages to luck out and cross paths with Cinder as she’s breaking out of jail.  Well he’s a hoot and a half, and they are quite the team.  Sadly, not much of Kai in this book, but that’s okay, because I know it’s coming, and the anticipation is tasty.

Meyer is crafty.  Somehow (magic, I assume), she manages to take these classic fairy tales and weave them into this full dystopian world that is both realistic and fantastic at the same time.  It all comes together.  The tales do not lose their charm, and the story is enriched because of them.  When I first heard about these books, I thought, “Oh joy…more redo’s of fairy tales.  Like that hasn’t been done before.  Bleh.”

I was DEAD WRONG.  So glad I gave them a chance!

Everything was dead on: writing style, characters, setting, plot, even the book covers are beautiful.  So I leave you with a very full 5 stars for this book, as I sit and wait, quite impatiently, for Cress.

Obviously, I highly recommend this series to anyone with both a brain and a heart.

Allegiant by Veronica Roth >> Readdicted Review


young adult book review

Title: Allegiant (Divergent #3)

Author: Veronica Roth

Genre: Young Adult Dystopian

Goodreads Book Summary:  

One choice will define you.

What if your whole world was a lie?
What if a single revelation—like a single choice—changed everything?
What if love and loyalty made you do things you never expected?

The faction-based society that Tris Prior once believed in is shattered—fractured by violence and power struggles and scarred by loss and betrayal. So when offered a chance to explore the world past the limits she’s known, Tris is ready. Perhaps beyond the fence, she and Tobias will find a simple new life together, free from complicated lies, tangled loyalties, and painful memories.

But Tris’s new reality is even more alarming than the one she left behind. Old discoveries are quickly rendered meaningless. Explosive new truths change the hearts of those she loves. And once again, Tris must battle to comprehend the complexities of human nature—and of herself—while facing impossible choices about courage, allegiance, sacrifice, and love.

Told from a riveting dual perspective, Allegiant, by #1 New York Times best-selling author Veronica Roth, brings the Divergent series to a powerful conclusion while revealing the secrets of the dystopian world that has captivated millions of readers in Divergent and Insurgent.

Rating: 3 Stars


Oh my lands ho this book took me on a roller coaster ride.  Even though I wasn’t entirely pleased with Insurgent, I couldn’t help but dive right into Allegiant.  I wanted to know what was going to happen, and how on earth the whole series could end with one book.

I was sorely disappointed.

It seems my biggest problem with Insurgent (spoiler-ish: a disproportional number of Tris’s friends and acquaintances die horrible deaths) continues throughout Allegiant, even though there aren’t many people left.  Okay, definitely not as many people die, but if you talk percentages…it all seems quite pointless.  Maybe that’s the point.  But it’s just not that kind of book.

I felt a little like Ms. Roth wanted to one-up the ending of Mockingjay by Ms. Collins.  Well, if that’s her goal, then success.  She definitely took it a step farther.  Except…

Except no feelings were invoked.  Instead of being full of wrath or sadness or even joy, I had already become numb to the book.  I was reading quickly because I wanted to know how it would end, but I was already left disconnected by the setting changes and the point-of-view switching.

Speaking of…

The first two books are from Tris’s point of view, first person.  So when Four is suddenly thrown into the mix, but they are still interacting, I found myself confused often when reading from Four’s perspective.  I’d be halfway through a chapter of his before realizing it had switched.  It disrupted my reading experience, it did not enhance it.  But it is imperative that she does this in order to end the book in the way that she chose….and I will say no more.

So.  While the writing is engaging and well-done and the characters are interesting, I found myself very disappointed that the series went in this direction.  If you have read the first two, of course you will want to read this book to finish the series.  It’s not that bad.  But.

I would not recommend this series to a friend.  I’d tell them to pass it by.  There are enough interesting YA books out there to pass this one up.  And the movie will just be a movie to them.  They won’t have to get mad at the details left out.  Instead they can just enjoy it for what it is, and leave it at that.  Invest your time and love elsewhere.

Graceling by Kristin Cashore >> Readdicted Review by Katie


Graceling young adult fantasy book

Title: Graceling

(Graceling Realm #1)

Author: Kristin Cashore

Genre: Young Adult Fantasy

Goodreads Book Summary:  In the Seven Kingdoms, people born with an extreme skill, “Grace”, are feared and exploited. Katsa herself despises hers, killing. Her uncle Randa, King of the Middluns, commands her to punish and torture his enemies. Prince Po, with combat skills, becomes her friend, and she learns terrible truths about her Grace and a secret hidden far away that could destroy the realm.

Rating: 4 Stars


This book was quite the switch-up from the Under the Never Sky series. I have to say that Kristin Cashore is an incredibly talented writer. I was pulled into this story, despite it’s zoomed out point of view, and couldn’t put it down. The plot-line is intriguing and complex. I loved not knowing exactly what would happen. The characters are rich and well-thought out and they stay true to themselves, even in their growth.

I would recommend this book to readers ages 15+. There are a few things, violent and sexual, that is inappropriate for younger readers, and it surprises me how much this book is marketed as a children’s book because of that. Well, that and I don’t really see children enjoying it much.

Also, there’s a map, and I love maps in books! LOVE them!

Our main character is quite different from most, she isn’t relatable.  She’s hard on herself, but not emotional.  She is highly skilled, and it takes a long time for us to see her true character.  I like that she changed as the book went along, she grew and matured, but at the same time, she never broke character.  She never acted outside herself.  She was Katsa, through and through.  The adventures she goes through keep you reading from page one through the end.

Oh yeah, and I’m pretty sure you’ll love Po.  He’s the kind of male character I find myself drooling over, and then wiping the book clean.  Oops.

This book is the first in a trilogy of sorts.  It’s thrilling and the world Kristin Cashore creates is believable and real.  It kind of reminds me of a middle-earth type world, like something that could possibly be very far in our past, if you let yourself pretend.